Club Bylaws


REVISED – February 06, 2017


The organization shall be known as the “Lawrence Rod and Gun Club, Inc.”

The purpose of the organization shall be to promote all legitimate sports with rod and gun and to enforce the laws for the protection and propagation of fish and game within the State of Massachusetts; and to secure such legislation in that direction as needed. To this end, to acquire and keep both real estate and personal property. At the Lawrence Rod and Gun Club, discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap is strictly prohibited. Any person who thinks he/she has been discriminated against in this club should notify the Board of Directors in writing immediately.


The Officers of the organization will consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary and a Board of Directors of nine elected members. The outgoing president shall be considered to become a member of the Board of Directors with a majority vote of the existing Board of Directors and the members present at a regular meeting. This special appointment shall be for the up coming year only, making a total of ten Board Members for that particular year.

a) President
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings. The President will call all meetings of the organization, and shall appoint the chairman of all committees, unless otherwise set forth in these bylaws. The President shall be a member of all committees by virtue of the President’s office, and may be the chairperson of a committee with the approval of the Board of Directors. The President is also a member of the Board of Directors. 

b) Vice President
The duty of the Vice President is to assist the President in the discharge of all duties and to officiate in the President’s absence. The Vice President is also a member of the Board of Directors.

c) Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep all of the funds of the organization in a financial institution approved by the Officers. The Treasurer has the authority to pay all of the organization’s utility bills (Electric, Phone, Oil, Gas etc.) without the approval from a majority vote of members present at a regular meeting or a majority vote of the Officers. The Treasurer shall, at each regular meeting make a verbal report to the membership and submit a written report of all receipts and expenditures since the last report and present the account balance or balances for inspection to the Recording Secretary. The Treasurer shall make a complete and written report of the finances of the organization on or before May lst of each year, for the previous year, and post the report under glass on the club’s bulletin board for a minimum of 30 days. Any member may have a copy of the report upon request to the Treasurer. The Treasurer is also a member of the Board of Directors.

d) Recording Secretary
The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be the handling of all official correspondence, filing all records and communications, recording of all proceedings of the Board of Directors and of any committee upon request by that committee, and of all the business in general that comes before and is disposed of by this organization. The Recording Secretary shall also be responsible for notifying the membership of all special meetings. The Recording Secretary shall record the names of all new members submitted by the Financial Secretary in the minutes of each meeting and to include the names of new members in the minutes of the previous meeting. The Recording Secretary will also gather and organize input and articles for the newsletter. The Recording Secretary is also a member of the Board of Directors.

e) Financial Secretary or Clerk
The Financial Secretary shall collect all dues and all other monies collected in the name of the organization. The Financial Secretary shall turn over to the Treasurer all dues and monies and receive receipt, thereof. The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for accepting renewal and application forms for membership to the club and shall submit a written record of all new members to the Recording Secretary at each regular meeting. The Financial Secretary shall, at the conclusion of their term of office, turn over to the successor all monies, books and valuables of the organization in their possession. It shall be the responsibility of the Financial Secretary to notify those members whose renewal dues for the following year are unpaid by the first meeting in February. If the Financial 3 of 10 Secretary is not a resident of Massachusetts a resident clerk will be appointed by the Board of Directors. The Financial Secretary is also a member of the Board of Directors.

f) Board of Directors and Sitting Officers
The Board of Directors and Sitting Officers shall have general supervision of the organization’s property and shall plan and conduct any business of the organization not provided for in these bylaws. Any expenditure of the funds of the organization of less than $200 for the maintenance purpose of the organization can be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Any expenditure of funds of the organization of more than $200 for the maintenance purposes of the organization and any expenditure of funds of the organization, regardless of the amount for the purpose other than maintenance of the organization, must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors and also by a majority of the members present at a regular meeting, whether such expenditures originate in the Board of Director’s meeting or from the members at a regular meeting, except as mentioned in ARTICLE II, SECTION IC and ARTICLE X of these bylaws. Any new policies or projects of the organization must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors and also by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting. Eleven (11) Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. No phone vote(s) shall be taken at a Board of Director’s meeting except in an emergency requiring immediate action. If any Board Member is absent from a regular meeting without justification, he/she is subject to removal from office by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors and a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting.


Members shall be divided into five classes:

a) Regular Members
b) Junior Members
c) Honorary Members
d) Life Members
e) Limited Family Memberships

a) Regular Members
Under the guidance of a Club Member Sponsor who themselves have been a member in good standing for a minimum of two consecutive years a person eighteen (18) years of age or older, and a citizen of the United States of America, may apply for regular membership in the organization by submitting the following:

1) Payment of the yearly dues and initiation fees accompanied by a signed application form for membership, and proof of US citizenship. The applicant must present themselves to the membership at a regular general meeting.

2) The above monies and application will be presented and voted for acceptance by a majority vote of the Board of Directors followed by a majority vote of the members present at a general meeting.

No prospective member may be present at their time of election. All prospective members will be notified of their membership status. New members are not allowed to attend any meetings until they have had their orientation and received their membership card.

Before any new member is given a membership card, they must meet with an Officer or designee and have their responsibilities within the club explained. Each new member will be responsible to make themselves aware of these bylaws, range rules etc. Each new member must be able to read and understand all range rules and commands. Any infraction of the bylaws or range rules may be taken up by the Board of Directors for disciplinary action.


Each member must be aware of the liability of the club for non-member guests.

No individual member may take the responsibility of endangering other members.

No guest is allowed on the inside range for shooting purposes except as approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

No member of the club has the authorization to use the name of the club in sending for or receiving materials without approval from the Board of Directors.

No member of the club shall be allowed to use the club name, facilities, or ranges for their own personal/business gain.

No member is authorized to spend monies in the name of the club without a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting and a majority vote of the Board of Directors, otherwise, it will be their responsibility to pay the bill. The only exception to this rule is stated in ARTICLE II, SECTION IC and ARTICLE X.

b) Junior Members
Any person under the age of eighteen (18) may apply for a junior membership in the organization upon payment of the yearly dues and accompanied by a parent or guardian and a signed application and a signed consent by a parent or guardian and presented at and voted on at a regular meeting. Junior members shall not have the privilege of voting or holding office.

No prospective junior member shall be present at their election. All prospective members will be notified of their membership status. A Person who becomes a senior member and is a junior member the preceding year will not be required to pay the initiation fee as a regular member.

No junior member may be present on the club grounds without being accompanied by an adult member’s supervision. Junior members are not allowed any keys or use of keys to the club. No junior member may be present to observe or shoot on the inside range without the presence of an adult member. The adult member taking full responsibility for the junior member.

A junior member must go through the same orientation as an adult regular member before receiving their membership card.

A junior member between the ages of 10 and 18 years of age must attend, free of charge, the club sponsored NRA Firearms Safety Course.

c) Honorary Members
The organization may bestow an honorary membership, without voting powers, upon individuals in recognition of services or otherwise, by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting and also a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The term of honorary membership shall be for a period of one year.

d) Life Members
Any member having reached the age of sixty (60) and having been an active member for ten years preceding their 60th birthday, shall automatically become a life member for the next calendar year. A life member shall be exempt from the payment of dues. Life members shall be accorded the privileges of regular members. (A Special meeting may be called to sell life memberships for emergency funding.)

e) Limited Family Memberships
A limited family membership shall apply to husband and wife only. Upon payment of regular dues only one initiation fee will be required.


Disciplinary action may be taken against any member for:

a) Infraction of range and/or safety rules
b) Conviction of a felony
c) Theft or destruction of club property
d) Any infraction of these bylaws
e) Infraction of game laws on or off club property
f) Not wearing their club identification badge while on club property.

Procedure for such action may follow one or all of the following:

a) Verbal warning
b) Written warning from the Board of Directors
c) Expulsion from the club
d) Any action deemed necessary by the Board of Directors

All accusations against a member shall be made in writing to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall provide the accused with a copy of the written complaint.

The Board of Directors will schedule a meeting with both the accused and the accuser to determine if any action should be taken.

A majority vote of the Board of Directors is needed to sustain any action, and any action taken will be reported at the next regular meeting for a majority vote of the members present. Any appeal by the accused may be made to the members at a regular meeting before a vote is to be taken regarding the disposition of the disciplinary action.


The annual nomination of Officers and Board of Directors shall be held during the regular meetings of October and November. Election of Officers and Board of Directors will be held during the first December regular meeting. The Officers and Board Members shall begin their official duties after they have been sworn in at the installation of Officers meeting. All elections shall be by a majority vote of regular and life members in good standing and present at the election meeting. In case of a vacancy in office, the Board of Directors shall have the power to nominate and elect a person to fill the office. A person must be a member in good standing for at least two consecutive years before seeking or being appointed to an office, they must be present to accept the nomination to office, and can only seek a seat for one board position. The name of all nominees will be placed on the voting ballot in the order of a random drawing.

The installation of Officers shall be held within the first two weeks of January of each year, the date of which will be determined by a vote of the members present during the regular meeting in November.

There shall be a regular meeting held on the first and third Monday of each month unless otherwise voted by the Board of Directors. Each meeting will start at 7:00PM. If a quorum is not present by 7:15PM, the meeting may be canceled. There shall be a Board of Directors meeting after each general meeting or as deemed necessary. Meetings may be re-scheduled to the second and fourth Monday if needed due to national holidays etc.

Special meetings shall be subject to the call of the President, or upon written request of ten voting members to any officer stating the reason for requesting such a meeting. All members shall be given notice of such a meeting, mailed at least five (5) days in advance, stating the purpose of the special meeting. No other business shall be transacted during the special meeting.


Membership fees are due on January 1 of each year, and payable on or before January 31, of each year. Any member, whose dues remain unpaid after January 31, shall pay a penalty for each month their dues are in arrears. A two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors and a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting shall determine the penalty. The Financial Secretary will notify all members whose dues are not paid by the February meeting, that all club privileges have been canceled and that in order to be reinstated they must pay their dues, plus penalty no later than the first meeting in March, or they will have to apply for new membership upon which dues and initiation fees will apply.

The membership must be given at least (30) days notice prior to voting on any increase in dues or initiation fees. The increase must be voted on by a two-thirds majority of the members present at a regular meeting at which at least thirty members are in attendance. The increase must also be ratified by a two thirds vote of the Board of Directors.


Fifteen (15) voting members, which include three Officers, shall constitute a quorum at any regular meeting of the organization. Eleven (11) Board Members shall constitute a quorum at any Board of Directors meeting of the organization; and thirty (30) voting members, which include three Officers, shall constitute a quorum at any special meeting of the organization.


The Board of Directors will determine when, if, and which accountants shall be retained for the purpose of auditing the Financial Secretary and Treasurer’s books and informing the club of the financial obligations, in writing


These bylaws may be altered or amended at a special meeting of the organization provided that written notice of the special meeting is mailed to each member at least five days in advance of the meeting at which such action is contemplated. A two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors and a two-thirds vote of the members present at a special meeting shall be necessary to alter or amend any section of the bylaws.


All committees that are considered as essential to the welfare of the organization shall be appointed by the President. The following committees are examples: House, Grounds, Publicity, Trap, and Safety. Any other (ad hoc) committees deemed essential each year shall be appointed as necessary.

The duties of the committees shall be defined by the Board of Directors. The House Committee and the Grounds Committee chairman have the authority to spend up to $100.00 each for general purposes, and they are responsible to report it to the members present at a regular meeting.

The membership shall be notified as to the openings and availability of positions in various committees. Any member deemed to have a conflict of interest by the Board of Directors cannot serve on a committee that would sustain that conflict of interest.


Keys/Card Keys to the outside club door will be changed during the first meeting in February of each year. Keys are available to regular and life members who have paid their annual dues and upon presentation of their current membership card along with a fee set by the Board of Directors. These keys are not transferable. Keys must be obtained in person, they cannot be mailed.


The total amount of contributions, to other organizations, charities etc., within one year, shall not exceed 4% of the previous year’s membership dues as reported by our financial statement. Contributions will be limited to ARTICLE I, SECTION II of these bylaws.


All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure and the order of business shall be the following, in order of preference:

1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
2. Calling meeting to order
3. Roll Call
4. Election of Members
5. Minutes of previous meeting
6. Minutes of previous Board of Directors meeting
7. Treasurer’s report
8. Financial Secretary’s Report
9. Bills
10. Reading of communications
11. Report of committees
12. Old business
13. New business
14. Ad Hoc
15. Adjournment


Disposition of Assets:
In the event the corporation is forced to relocate or merge, and is unsuccessful, the corporation shall be dissolved. An accounting must be made by the Treasurer or outside Treasurer within a reasonable timeframe. After paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities of the corporation all of the remaining property and assets are to be donated for the protection and propagation of fish and game within the State of Massachusetts.


No member of this club shall be held liable for any action or accident occurring on the club’s property. There is no liability, expressed or implied, to any member, and by 10 of 10 signing a membership application or renewal form and accepting membership into the club, all members acknowledge that use of the club’s facilities is at their own risk.

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