Officers and Directors

 Promote all legitimate sports with rod and gun and to enforce the laws for the protection and propagation of fish and game within the State of Massachusetts

Governing Body 2024

President…………. Ray Veilleux
Vice President……. Bill Chambers
Treasurer………… Geoff Pierson
Financial Secretary … Peter Kidney
Recording Secretary….Mike 

Board of Directors
Chuck Chory
Fernando Cruz
Lou DeBenedetto
Bob St. George
John Hess
Ben Roberge
Francisco Gomez
Dave Fransisco
Dale Shultz

Committee Heads
Archery……..Fernando Cruz
Budget…..Chuck Chory
By-Laws……..Lou Debenedetto
Finance…….Chuck Chory
Grounds……..Bob St. George
House………Dave Francisco
Indoor Range……. Open
Newsletter………Mike Mears
Safety, Education, and Training…..Chuck Chory
Trap…………John Hess
Goal Representative…..John Hess
League of Essex County Sportsman’s Representative
NRA Representative…..John Zaccari Sr.
